Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Nursing ethics Essay

For the purpose of this assignment, ethics in relation to nursing will be discussed. â€Å"Ethics; A code of principles governing correct behaviour, which in the nursing profession includes behaviour towards patients and their families, visitorsand colleagues† (Oxford Dictionary of Nursing 2004). This assignment will consider autonomy as identified in a practice placement, but will also look briefly at the ethical principle of non-malefience that is relevant in this assignment. It will also closely look at this issue and will describe how the principles of ethics apply to practice. In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2004). Any names of patients referred to in this assignment have been changed to protect their confidentiality. The NMC states as a registered nurse you must guard against breaches of confidentiality by protecting information from improper disclosure at all times. The placement referred to in this assignment is an Elderly Mentally Infirm (EMI) home, which is located on Merseyside. The United Kingdom Central Midwifery and Health visiting Council (UKCC 2002, clause 6)). Which is now known as The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Also state that â€Å"Health Care Professionals should recognize the respect the uniqueness and dignity of each patient and client, and respond to their need for care irrespective of their ethnic origin, religious beliefs, personal attributes, the nature if their health problems or any other factor†. Autonomy (â€Å"Greek: Auto-Nomos – nomos meaning â€Å"law†: one who gives oneself his own law) means freedom from external authority†: Wikipedia, encyclopedia (2004). On this placement, there were several examples of how autonomy influenced care delivery; this assignment will address two of these examples. The first incident involved an eighty six year old lady called Betty, who suffered with severe dementia, the Practice nurse from her surgery was coming into the home to administer the flu injection to her and several other clients. It had been recorded in Betty’s case notes that she had had a fear of  needles in the past and had refused several injections before her mental health had deteriorated, Does an autonomous decision have to be rational? â€Å"In the ideal of autonomy day – to -day decisions should be rational, i.e. consistent with the person’s life plans† Hope, Savulescu and Hendrick, (2003 p 34). Betty had no living relatives to contact to discuss her treatment. Patients suffering with dementia cannot always exercise autonomy. A client may be mentally incapacitated for various reasons. These may be temporary reasons, such as the effect of sedatory medicines, or longer-term reasons such as mental illness. It is important to remember that capacity may fluctuate, sometimes over short periods, and should therefore be regularly reassessed by the clinical team treating the client. The principles of consent continue to apply to any medication for conditions not related to the mental disorder for which they are being treated. The assessment of their capacity to consent to or refuse such medication therefore remains important. The NMC (2004) recognises that this is a complex issue that has provoked widespread concern. It involves the fundamental principles of patient and client autonomy and consent to treatment, which are set out in common law and statute and underpinned by the Human Rights Act 1998. The principle of respect for autonomy entails taking into account and giving consideration to the patient’s views on his or her treatment. Autonomy is not an all or nothing concept, an initial step maintaining Betty’s autonomy may be to clarify all the facts in the case, for example does Betty have any understanding of the risks of not having this treatment? Her mental illness means that she is unlikely to be competent to consent or refuse the injection, but an attempt should be made to explain to her, in terms that she could understand, what the treatment would involve and what the outcome would be without treatment. Has her autonomy been enhanced as much as is possible? If the conclusion is that she is unable to understand the consequences of non-treatment, or that her fear of needles is stopping her evaluating the risks, then she will not be competent to make a decision. However, this does not mean that her fears and concerns should not be  acknowledged. Mill (1982) states â€Å"†¦..the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinion of others to do so would be wise, or even right† Mill (1982 p 68). The NMC (2004) Code of Professional Conduct 3.3 states that, â€Å"When obtaining valid consent, you must be sure that it is: given by a legally competent person, given voluntarily, and informed†. Crow (1983) suggests that it is the nurse’s responsibility to deliver care within the framework of agreed moral principles, for instance those reflected in the Code itself. The principle of non-malefience should also be considered in Betty’s treatment, it would seem to be in her best interests to be treated. If the injection is the proposed treatment, the balance of harms and benefits may be such that treatment would causes distress for a short time not such that her life is intolerable. If the decision is to give the injection, then once again respect for Betty’s wishes and concerns should influence the approach to treatment so that her fears are mitigated as much as possible. All medication given covertly must, be recorded in Betty’s case notes for future reference this shows good nursing practice. According to Wikipedia, Encyclopedia. (2006). Primum non nocere is a Latin phrase that means â€Å"First, do no harm.† The phrase is sometimes recorded as primum nil nocereIt is one of the principal precepts all medical and nursing students are being taught in medical school. It reminds a healthcare professional that he or she must consider the possible harm that any intervention might do. It is most often mentioned when debating use of an intervention with an obvious chance of harm but a less certain chance of benefit. Another example of how autonomy influenced care delivery on this placement was, the entire patient’s case notes where locked away at the nurses station and the trained nurse had the key, if anybody needed the notes the trained nurse had to either get them or issue the key, which had to be returned straight away. This involved the principle of autonomy but also the principle of non-malefience. In any situation where confidentiality is breached, the nurse or doctor must be prepared to justify his or her decision before the General Medical Council. Respect for patient autonomy (deontological theory)The principle of respect for patient autonomy acknowledges the right of a patient to have control over his or her own life, and this would include the right to decide who should have access to his or her personal information. Where the basis for the duty of confidentiality is the principle of respect for autonomy any breach of confidentiality means that the patient’s autonomy has not been respected, whether or not the patient is aware of the breach. Now due to The Freedom of information act 2000, which came into force in January 2005, patients and carers now have the right to ask to see confidential records. There are exceptions to the confidentially clause and the principles addressed in this assignment. The National Health Service (NHS) Confidentiality, Code of Practice. This provides generic guidance where there is a need to disclose information that identifies an individual and that information is held under a legal obligation of confidentiality. â€Å"The issues to be considered and the appropriate steps to take can be ascertained by working through the model and referenced text refers to appendix one, two, three. A range of information disclosure scenarios can be found in NHS Code of Conduct Confidentially (2003). These reference and illustrate the model that can be used to aid decision-making. â€Å"They highlight issues relating to particular decisions, e.g. disclosure to NHS managers or to the police. It is hoped that they cover many of the circumstances that staff currently have to deal with† (NHS 2003). In 1997, the Department of Health published the Caldicott Report (‘On the Review of Patient-Identifiable Information’). It considered the flow of  identifiable patient information and recommended that confidentiality should be safeguarded by anonymising health data, where possible. â€Å"Each NHS organisation must have a ‘guardian’ (normally a senior health professional) to oversee all procedures affecting access to person-identifiable information† DOH Caldicott report (1997). The NMC code of professional conduct: A standard for conduct performance and ethics (2004) â€Å"requires each registrant to act at all times in such a manner as to justify public trust and confidence. Registrants are personally accountable for their practice and, in the exercise of professional accountability, must work in an open and co-operative manner with patients/clients and their families, foster their independence, and recognise and respect their involvement in the planning and delivery of care.† According to Beauchamp and Childress (2001) there are four principles, which are the most widely used framework and offers a broad consideration of medical ethics issues generally, not just for use in a clinical setting. Ethics are also applied to every day living, and that everybody has their own opinion of what is ‘right or wrong’, to quote Hinchliff, Norman & Schober (2003) â€Å"getting in touch with one’s personal value base is a crucial first step in the study of nursing ethics†. After considering these four Principles, which are general guides that, leave considerable room for judgement in specific cases. â€Å"Respect for autonomy: respecting the decision-making capacities of autonomous persons; enabling individuals to make reasoned informed choices. Beneficence: this considers the balancing of benefits of treatment against the risks and costs; the healthcare professional should act in a way that benefits the patient. Non-maleficence: avoiding the causation of harm, the healthcare professional should not harm the patient. All treatment involves some harm, even if minimal, but the harm should not be disproportionate to the benefits of treatment. Justice: distributing benefits, risks and costs fairly; the notion that patients in similar positions should be treated in a similar manner† (Beauchamp and Childress 2001). This assignment claims that ethics are an important part influence in the  delivery of care, but are also a very complex subject, and often leads the Healthcare Professional to examine their own ethical values, it is recommended that a wide range of reading is required to clarify the subject further. After examining the subject further, it is clear that that in the work place a majority of the delivery of care is, planned with the patients before it is put into practice, which try ‘s to ensure that ethical principles are followed. Professional practice and ethics are changing every day, and it is a complex subject it is also debatable how different people interpret ethics. Ethics is also about questioning our own and others practice â€Å"challenging our own and others practice requires courage and vigilance† Kenworthy, Snowy, & Gilling (2006). Reflection on ones own and other people’s ethical values is a very useful part of continuing learning throughout both career and life, and as a health care professional we must have a good knowledge of nursing ethics and use this in practice rather than personal opinion. In addition, with such issues as euthanasia and cloning, in the news almost every day the ethical pressures on the nursing and medical profession grows stronger. Nurses are seeking to develop further their knowledge of ethics and are increasing their ability to recognise ethical issues in practice. REFERANCE Beauchamp, T. and Childress, J. (2001). Principles of biomedical ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Crow, J (1983).Professional responsibility. Nursing Timesi>. 79, 19-21. Department of Health. (1998). Caldicott report. London: Department of Health. Department of Health. (2001f). The Essence of Care – PatientFocused Benchmarking for Health Care Practitioners. RetrievedSeptember 27, 2006 London: of Health. (2003). NHS code of practice: confidentiallyi> (25 28). London: Department of Health. Department of Health. (2001). Seeking consent: working witholder people London: Department of Health. Hinchliff, S. Norman, S. &Schober, J. (2003). Nursing practice and healthcare. London: Arnold. Hope, T. Savulescu, J. hendrick, J. (2003). Medical ethics and the law,the core curriculum. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Kenworthy, N. Snowley, G. & Gilling, C. (Eds.). (2006). Common foundation studies in nursing. (3rd ed.). Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall. Martin, E A (Ed.). (2004). Oxford dictionary of nursing. Oxford:Oxford university press. Mills, J (1982). On liberty. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Nursing ethics. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved October 26, 2006, from website: and Midwifery Council (2002) Code of Professional Conduct. London: NMC. Nursing and Midwifery council. (2004). Standard for conduct, performanceand ethics. London: NMC. Payne, R (1992). Accountability in principle and practice. BritishJournal of Nursing. 1, p301-305. Roper, N., Logan, W.L. & Tierney, A.J. (2000). The Roper-Logan-Tierney model of nursing: based on activities of living. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. United Kingdom Central Council. (1998). Guidelines for mentalhealth and learning disabilities nursing (12). London: UKCC Publications.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

History of Talk Radio Essay

What do we know about the history of talk radio? Has talk radio been successful in helping Americans deal with cultural changes?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout history, radio has been a major source of communication where we were able to hear the latest news and current events of the time period. Through wars, depression, Presidential debates and changing times we were able to turn on the radio and listen to a radio talk show that panned in on these events.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We were able to hear discussions that offered opinions in which we could either agree or disagree and radio talk shows provided a means by which we could be informed on the latest news and events, even before television existed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     [1]â€Å"Can We Talk: The Power and Influence of Talk Showsâ€Å" by Gini Graham Scott†, offers that â€Å"both radio and TV have grown up at a time when America and the whole world have been going through an unprecedented period of turmoil and technologic upheaval.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Radio, came of age after World War I during the 1920’s and 1930’s, when America was transformed from an isolationist power focused on material growth to a member of a world community which experienced major growth to a member of a world community which experienced major cultural changes and a worldwide depression.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Political forums continue to be a part of talk radio programming in the past and present. In the past, before telephones were invented there was no easy way to communicated with radio personalities, but when telephones emerged, call-in talk radio shows evolved and offered a means to communicated with the radio personalities which made talk radio so much more interesting than before, especially where politics was concerned.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We were able to listen to the opinions of the public on political issues, not just the ones from radio personalities on the talk radio programs. [2] David Barker, Author of the book, â€Å"Rushed to Judgment: Talk Radio Persuasion, and American Political Behavior,†Ã‚   talks about call-in talk radio shows and delves into the question, â€Å"is political talk radio a thing of the past.† Barker says â€Å"some have asked whether this new medium can serve as an agent of deliberative democracy, spurring Americans to form pseudo-communities, where policy choices are debated in an open forum, thus bringing American politics closer to a democratic ideal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     We often wondered if talk radio programs would fade in popularity and just become a thing of the past times.   More than ever talk radio has boomed since Howard Stern came on the scene with his outrageous behavior, with comments that were so bold that his personality grabbed the attention of America.   He talks about everything from women to politics and doesn’t stifle his views on either.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Now is a good time to evaluate the effects of political talk radio because the medium is no longer a fad and shows no signs of fading. Talk radio offers a setting for new media to be discussed, while people can listen from the convenience of their homes or automobiles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Given the prominent place of talk radio stations in most markets we have now had the time to critically evaluate the effects of a medium that is not disappearing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Are news trends changing on talk radio? [3]The website, that answers this question is It shows that â€Å"News trends are changing.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     A recent poll showed than an increasing percentage of younger Americans get their news from late night television, and a December 2002 Gallup Poll showed the percentage of Americans who got their news from talk radio has nearly doubled since 1995, from 12 percent to 22 percent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Was AM talk radio popular by the 1980’s? [4] â€Å"By the 1980’s, AM radio was close to death.†Ã‚   Most listeners had tossed it on the trash heap of technology in favor of FM’s clarity for music. It was Rush Limbaugh who reinvigorated AM radio and gave it a new purpose, paving the way for many talk show hosts who collectively resurrected a bandwidth most were all too happy to ignore.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Religious stations have always been around, in talk radio history?   [5]Soul Talk is a weekly one-hour radio show that has been broadcasting continuously since February of 1996 on Koop 91.7 FM, in Austin Texas. This is just one of many of the religious programs that have broadcasted since radio first arrived on the scene and strong religious beliefs have maintained its stance with Americans.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Soul Talk articulated spiritually from a pluralistic, universal perspective with relevance to current and social and moral issues. The show offers a venue for listeners to share their sacred and ethical beliefs at the radio table, to be encouraged and spurred to action through positive expressions of faith, in a playful setting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"What’s Cookin’ with Soul Talk Radio? A Spiritual Feast to leaven the world Soul† can be located at   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   How much do we know about early talk radio? [6] Early radio news was usually nothing more dramatized documentary of events. Live recordings were unheard of and technology difficult if not impossible. Rather than simply report events, radio producers felt dramatizing the events would bring the news home more effectively.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By 1928, Roy Edward Larsen was the General Manager of Time Magazine. It was Larsen, who, as Circulation Manager, increased sales of the magazine from 25,000 to 200,00 in a few short years. Media theorist, Marshall McLuhan, referred to Larsen as an electric man, sensitive to the latest modes of communication and its impact on society. Larsen involved Time in radio as early as 1924 with a sustaining quiz program called Pop Question. Then in 1928, in cooperation with Time’s Radio Executive, Fred Smith, he began issuing throughout the country over 33 stations daily release of ten minute news briefs drawn from the pages of Time, Larsen called News Casts. The following year they supplemented these News Casts with electrical transcription dramas, ten minutes in length, called News Acting which featured professional actors and sound effects of current news.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What was one of the first talk radio programs? In the year, 1931, â€Å"The University of Chicago Roundtable† broadcast by NBC, where University scholars engaged in intellectual discussion and the show slightly resembled the late phenomenon of talk radio.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Archives, provide talk radio shows from the past.[7] The archives are back! Thanks to the technical wizards of World Talk Radio, all previous shows are once again available for your listening.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   World Talk Radio brings you the most renowned Civil War experts and entertaining enthusiasts ever assembled. Check the archives each week for a new and captivating exploration of politics, personalities, and military campaigns.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Civil War Talk Radio is provided to listeners by World Talk Radio and the show host and guests. There is no charge to listen or download, but all contributions and donations are said to be welcomed. You can make contributions at, Contribute to Civil War Talk Radio, Civil War Talk Radio, World Talk Radio,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Talk radio has come a long way in history to finally being capable of displaying and discussing photography.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   [8] Photo Talk Radio â€Å"Where you can really see photos on the radio†, the dynamic internet talk show for everyone interested in photography hosted by Howard Lipin and Michael A. Garcia Cr. Photographer, providing you the best information and ideas anywhere to help you make your photography more enjoyable and better than ever.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With nearly 60 years of day-to-day photography experience between them, Howard and Michael bring Photo Talk Radio alive with practical hands-on, simple to understand, â€Å"How Do I Do That? tips and in depth interviews with photo industry leaders and photographers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Their mission is to keep you informed, inspired and coming back for more. In the ever-changing world of photography, Photo Talk Radio, †The Worldwide Voice of Photography†, and the place â€Å"Where You Really Can See Photos On Radio† is the go-to resource for everyone interested in photography from the enthusiast to the pro.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Photo Talk Radio, World Talk Radio, www.worldtalkradio   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Talk Radio shows have been a part of a stage for political opinions, not excluding the war with Iraq.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   [9] This week should be remembered for beginning the fifth year of the war in Iraq and for the halting efforts of one chamber of Congress to make Year 5 the last. But, right now, Washington is delighted to be distracted by a new crisis in full boil.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It’s not the controversy over health care for veterans. That one blew up in late February and grew rapidly to national proportions before receding. It will be back, but for the moment it has to become a subject of multiple investigations and editorial hand-wringing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   [10] Many books feature information on talk radio such as a book written by Eric Bogosian, â€Å"The Essential Bogosian : Talk Radio, Drinking, in America, Funhouse and Men Inside.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Author writes, â€Å"Reading Talk Radio today is confusing. First of all, there are two Talk Radios: The play and the film.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Eric Bogosian also says, â€Å"Talk Radio was not based originally on any radio personality.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Despite its title, Talk Radio is not an in-depth, researched, generic documentary. There is no radio station set up like the one in the play. Instead, he wanted to use the format, one few people had any sense of in 1987, as a launching pad to talk about egos and the mass media in general. He loved the notion of this vast landscape of people, the callers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He goes on to say, â€Å"I had listened to numerous talk-jocks, particularly Bob Grant and Gary Dee and drew from my pre-teen experience of the legendary Alan Burke and Joe Pyne, two TV talk guys from the sixties with razor blades for tongues. But, when the movie came out, the strangest thing happened, a new guy had showed up and was making big waves soon after the movie came out; his name, of course; Howard Stern.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Radio talk shows have provided entertainment for ourselves and our ancestors and I couldn’t imagine not being able to turn on my radio to listen to a group of people discussing the latest issues or simply just an off-the-wall subject, for the sheer thrill of entertainment purposes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Talk radio will always be around and with satellites on the scene, radio is becoming even more popular than ever with more and more money being spent on new and updated radio systems and monthly and yearly subscriptions. Scott, Gini Graham, 1996, â€Å"Can We Talk?, The Power and Influence of Talk Shows† Insight Books, Inc. Barker, David, 2002,â€Å"Rushed To Judgment: Talk Radio Persuasion and American Political Behavior† Columbia University Press 2007, Now, Talk Radio, Politics and Economy, Deitz, Corey, 2004, Right Wing Conservative Talk Show Hosts, Bashing AM And FM What’s Cookin’ With Soul Talk Radio? A Spiritual Feast To Leaven the World Soul, March of Time, Contribute to Civil War Talk Radio, Civil War Talk Radio, World Talk Radio, Photo Talk Radio, World Talk Radio, www.worldtalkradio Elving, Ron, 2007, Gonzales: A Timely Distraction For aAll Sides? NPR, Watching Washington, Bogosian, Eric, 1994, â€Å"The Essential Bogosian: Talk Radio, Drinking in America, Funhouse and Men Inside†, Theatre Communications Group, From Author’s Notes, p.3 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Environment

Purposes: mission; vision; aims; objectives; goals; values; profits; market share; growth; return on capital employed (ROCE); sales; service level; customer satisfaction; corporate responsibility; ethical issues Stakeholders: owners; customers; suppliers; employees; debtors; creditors; financial institutions (banks, mortgage lenders, credit factors); environmental groups; government agencies (central government, local authorities); trade unions Responsibilities of organizations: stakeholder interests; conflict of expectations; power- influence matrix; satisfying stakeholder objectives; legal responsibilities e. g. consumer legislation, employee legislation, equal opportunities and anti-discriminatory legislation, environmental legislation, health and safety legislation; ethical issues egg environment, fair trade, global warming, charter compliance e. g. Banking Code 2 Understand the nature of the national environment in which businesses operate Economic systems: the allocation of scarce resources; effective use of resources; type of economic system eg command, free enterprise, mixed, transitional The UK economy: size (gross domestic product, gross national product); structure; population; labour force; growth; inflation; balance of payments; balance of trade; exchange rates; trading partners; public finances (revenues, expenditure); taxation; government borrowing; business behaviour eg investment, objectives, risk awareness; cost of capital; consumer behaviour; propensity to save; propensity to spend; tastes and preferences Government policy: economic goals; fiscal policy: control of aggregate demand; central and local government spending; Public Sector Net Borrowing (PSNB) and Public Sector Net Cash Requirement (PSNCR); euro convergence criteria, monetary policy; interest rates; quantitative easing; private finance initiative (PFI); competition policy (up-to-date legislation including Competition Act 1998, Enterprise Act 2002); Competition Commission, Office of Fair Trading; Directorate General for Competition); European Commission); sector regulators eg Ofgem, Ofwat, Civil Aviation Authority; Companies Acts; regional policy; industrial policy; enterprise strategy; training and skills policy 3 Understand the behaviour of organisations in their market environment Market types: perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, duopoly; competitive advantage, strategies adopted by firms; regulation of competition Market forces and organisational responses: supply and demand, elasticity of demand; elasticity of supply; customer perceptions and actions, pricing decisions; cost and output decisions; economies of scale, the short run; the long run, multi-national and transnational corporations; joint ventures, outsourcing; core markets; labour market trends; employee skills, technology; innovation; research and development; core competencies; business environment (political, economic, social, technical, legal, environmental); cultural environment 4 Be able to assess the significance of the global factors that shape national business activities Global factors: international trade and the UK economy; market opportunities; global growth; protectionism; World Trade Organisation (WTO); emerging markets (BRIC economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China); EU membership; EU business regulations and their incorporation in to UK law; EU policies eg agriculture (CAP), business, competition, growth, employment, education, economics and finance, employment, environment, science and technology, regional); labour movement; workforce skills; exchange rates; trading blocs (eg monetary unions, common markets; customs unions, free trade areas); labour costs; trade duties; levies; tariffs; customs dues; taxation regimes; international competitiveness; international business environment (political, economic, social, technical, legal, environmental); investment incentives; cost of capital; commodity prices; intellectual property; climate change eg Kyoto Protocol, Rio Earth Summit; third world poverty; the group of 20 (G-20); global financia l stability Learning outcomes and assessment criteria Learning outcomesOn successful completion of this unit a learner will:| Assessment criteria for passThe learner can:| LO1 Understand the organizational purposes of businesses| 1. 1 identify the purposes of different types of organisation1. 2 describe the extent to which an organisation meets the objectives of different stakeholders1. explain the responsibilities of an organisation and strategies employed to meet them| LO2 Understand the nature of the national environment in which businesses operate| 2. 1 explain how economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively2. 2 assess the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on business organizations and their activities2. 3 evaluate the impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms on the activities of a selected organisation| LO3 Understand the behaviour of organizations in their market environment| 3. 1 explain how market structures determine the pricing and output decisions of businesses3. 2 illustrate the way in which market forces shape organizational responses using a range of examples3. judge how the business and cultural environments shape the behaviour of a selected organisation| LO4 Be able to assess the significance of the global factors that shape national business activities| 4. 1 discuss the significance of international trade to UK Business organisation4. 2 analyse the impact of global factors on UK business organizations4. 3 evaluate the impact of policies of the European Union on UK business organizations. | GRADE DESCRIPTORS Learners would be graded as ‘PASS, MERIT or DISTINCTION. The indicative characteristics for each grade are mentioned below: Pass grade:A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the assessment criteria for pass for each unit. Merit grade: Merit descriptors| Indicative characteristics| In order to achieve a merit the learner must:| The learner’s evidence shows for example:| IdentifyandapplyStrategiestofind appropriate solutions| ? Effective judgments have been made? Complex problems with more than one variable have been explored? An effective approach to study and research has been applied| Select/design and apply appropriateMethods/techniques| ? Relevant theories and techniques have been applied? A range of methods and techniques have been applied? A range of sources of information has been used? The selection of methods and techniques/sources has been justified? The design of methods/techniques has been justified? Complex information/data has been synthesized and processed? Appropriate learning methods/techniques have been applied| Present and communicateappropriate findings| ? The appropriate structure and approach has been used? Coherent, logical development of principles/concepts for the intended audience? A range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been accurately used? Communication has taken place in familiar and unfamiliar contexts? The communication is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media have been used| Distinction grade: Distinction descriptors| Indicative characteristics| Inordertoachieveadistinctionthelearner must:| The learner’s evidence shows for example:| Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions| ? Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified? The validity of results has been evaluated using defined criteria? Self-criticism of approach has taken place? Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success| Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities| ? Autonomy/independence has been demonstrated? Substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, anaged and organized? Activities have been managed? The unforeseen has been accommodated? Theimportanceofinterdependencehasbeen recognized and achieved| DemonstrateConvergent/lateral/creative thinking| ? Ideas have been generated and decisions taken? Self-evaluation has taken place? Convergent and lateral thin king have been applied? Problems have been solved? Innovation and creative thought have been applied? Receptiveness to new ideas is evident? Effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar contexts| Assignment Unit 1 McCain McCain is the worlds largest producer of chips. Its range includes other potato products like hash browns and waffles. It buys 12% of the UK potato crop. It is also one of the biggest suppliers of frozen light meals. External factors Businesses set themselves aims. These help them to be efficient. For instance, they may aim to increase sales or make more profit. It then plans to reach these aims. To do this it must look at its own strengths. These are called internal factors. It must also look at outside influences. These are called external factors. McCain looks at changes in these. This helps it to plan how to respond. SLEPT SLEPT is one tool that can be used to look at external factors. It can be used to measure their effect. The letters in SLEPT stand for five factors. These are * Social Legal * Environmental * Technological and * Political. McCain dealt with these factors as follows: Social and Legal factors Social A number of campaigns have told people to eat in a more healthy way. This led to falling sales for some McCain products. McCain responded by reducing the salt and oil in its potato pr oducts. It also sent out the message that its chips were not unhealthy. Legal Governments pass laws, and set standards. McCain has to obey the law or set its own, higher, standards. The Food Standards Agency has developed a system of traffic light labels. These are designed to help consumers see which products may be less healthy. The food industry uses a system based on Guideline Daily Amounts. These GDAs are what an average person should eat to stay healthy. McCain uses both of these. All of its potato products can display the green traffic light (low levels) for saturated fat. None of its products displays a red traffic light (for high levels) in any category. Economic, Political and Technological Factors Economics 100 Edition 12 This refers to changes in buying habits. Income is rising, but people have less time to spend it. This is called being cash-rich but time-poor. This leads to more demand for convenience foods. To meet this challenge McCain provides a range of products to suit different tastes. Political There is government pressure for suppliers to come up with healthier foods. McCain supports the government. It believes that the foods it provides are healthy when prepared properly. Technological The technology used to prepare food is fast moving. McCains food technologists have made its potato products more healthy. They have reduced levels of fat and salt but still maintained flavour. This was achieved through a switch to sunflower oils. This reduced saturated fats by 70%. Conclusion Businesses must take account of changes in external factors. Change comes from a number of sources. Each presents a challenge. McCain is a business focused on the market. It knows that it is vital to keep customers happy. It has listened to what customers want and made changes in response. It aims to give them the best value chips and other healthy food products. Task 1 1. 1 Using working example or the case the study indentify the purposes of different types of organisation. (Outcome 1. 1) 1. 2 Using an example of your choice illustrate how an organisation meets the objectives of different stakeholders. (Outcome 1. 2) 1. 3 Using the case study, explain the responsibilities of an organisation and the strategies employed to meet them. (Outcome 1. 3) Task 2 2. 1 Illustrate how economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively. Use the case study to illustrate your answer. (Outcome 2. 1) 2. Fiscal and monetary policy affects business organisations and their activities, disucuss this with a working example of your choice. (Outcome 2. 2) 2. 3 Evaluate the impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms on the activities of an organisation of your choice or that or the case study. (Out come 2. 3) Task 3 3. 1 Pricing and output decisions of an organisation are determined by market structures. In your opinion is this true. (Outcome 3. 1) 3. 2 Using a working example of your choice show how market forces shape organisational responses. (Outcome 3. 2) 3. 3 Using an example of your choice discuss how the business and cultural environment shape the organisations behaviour. (Outcome 3. 3) Task 4 4. What is the significance of international trade to the UK business organisation? (Outcome 4. 1) 4. 2 The impact of global factors on UK business organisations is quite variable, discuss. (Outcome 4. 2) 4. 3 Discuss the impact of policies of the European Union on the UK business organisations. (Outcome 4. 3) To achieve a Pass/Distinction or Merit student must address all the above criteria by producing a word processed report of 2500- 3500 words. Reports must be supported by appropriate referencing. The report must be submitted by the required formal submission date by 5pm at r eception where a receipt will be given. The Times 100 Edition 12

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Effects of Music in Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Effects of Music in Therapy - Essay Example In addition, individuals who have difficulties speaking after stroke, music therapy can stimulate language canters within the brain; thus, promoting the ability to sing. Playing music develops coordination of both gross and fine motor within people with impaired motor or neurological trauma because of stroke or head injury. Music therapy brings relaxation and has positive effects that enhance communication and emotional comfort; moreover, it enables recall of life experiences and emotional experiences. Music accompanies many, significant life events and in most cases the musical memories get stored for long periods compared to those that are not accompanied by music. Therefore, if words are no longer recognizable, familiar music offers a sense of comfort and safety thus decreasing anxiety. While cognitive and language functions deteriorate with age, many musical abilities seem preserved for longer periods. Music is universal to all human cultures and the capability to comprehend musi c is innate similar to communication. Melody in vocal communication results from roots of oral language and is possible to trace it together with human development; thus, music and language seem to have special features that offer music a chance to shape and improve language processing (Moreno 334). Both music and speech represent complex uses of sound by people and scientists have found that language and music share common areas in brain. Moreover, time organizes music and language; thus, language and music together with synapses that support them increase with time. Therefore, music and language rely on exposure to expand and they are both specific to culture since how English speakers organize words and music differs from how Japanese speakers organize their music and words. Learning through music is useful in strengthening non-musical areas like communication and physical coordination, which are essential to the functioning of everyday lives (Moreno 334-340). Music therapists us e music to foster self-expression among patients with emotional disorders, as well; they use receptive music listening to aid in training and physical rehabilitation of people suffering from neuromuscular conditions (Aldridge 18). Thus, music therapists employ lyric discussion to demonstrate and emphasize language thoughts in children or adults with brain injuries. Music therapists use developing knowledge to determine effective strategies for using music in rehabilitation of individuals with neurologic dysfunction resulting from traumatic brain injury. In this setting, music therapy is coordinated in accordance with other therapies to aid patients attain their cognitive, sensory-motor, communication and social aspirations of rehabilitation. Research shows that pairing music and physical therapies can improve cognition, communication and ease discomfort (Aldridge 25). Music is a sensory medium able to arouse the nervous system and cueing altered states of awareness in individuals (M oreno 339). Music therapy is an effective treatment for someone with low awareness states, whose receptive and expressive communication skills have severely been compromised. Music therapists believe that the fundamentals of communication are similar to those involved in music. Patients who have low awareness sta

Psychological Perspectives from the Movie Girl, Interrupted Essay

Psychological Perspectives from the Movie Girl, Interrupted - Essay Example Although there are several characters in the movie showing symptoms of different types of mental disorders, this paper will only focus its discussion only to one mental illness, the â€Å"borderline personality disorder (BPD)†. Primarily, this paper intends to compare this movie against the real manifestations of BPD if these were properly presented. Secondly, this paper would try to relate the title of the movie to the plot of the movie. Thus, at the end of the day, after reading this paper, it is expected that the readers must have learned some good knowledge about â€Å"borderline personality disorder† since this paper will highlight the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of BPD, a favorable input for this psychology class. The summary of the plot begins to revolve around the main character in the person of Susanna Kaysen (portrayed by Winona Ryder), â€Å"a young girl of eighteen, raised in an unstable environment starting with her parents† (Filme para 2013). â€Å"Her mother showed signs of mood swings while her father showed very inappropriate aggression† (Filme  Ã‚  2013). Her life was not like that of any other ordinary normal eighteen years old would experience. Susanna was portrayed to display â€Å"damaging behaviors like stormy relationships with her parents and dangerous activities like having sexual activity with many men in a day† (Filma 2013). She was also shown â€Å"to display self-destructive behaviors when she attempted to commit suicide by drinking aspirin and a bottle of vodka which caused her to be put in a mental institution† (Filme   2013).  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Similar to 1910s Mexico, Colombias dispossessed Essay

Similar to 1910s Mexico, Colombias dispossessed - Essay Example The internally displaced in Colombia make up for 11 percent of the total country population and 19 percent of people who are internally displaced in the whole world. Once individuals are displaced, they become vulnerable to abuses of their rights, violence, and limited access to food, healthcare and education. The main cause of displacement in Colombia is the civil war that started when the National Liberation Army and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia guerrillas revolted. The government established paramilitary groups that began to counter the insurgents during the 80s. The paramilitary groups are still active and they keep on committing abuses. Other than the civil war, internal displacement is caused by wealthy land owners who dispossess people of their lands. Most of them use paramilitary groups to accomplish their mission of land acquisition. This paper will look at how Colombia’s â€Å"dispossessed† have their lands taken away by  wealthy landowners with the complicity of the government. The dispossessed or displaced people in Columbia have their lands taken away from them by land owners who are wealthy. Moreover, the government and wealthy land owners collude to help ensure the wealthy land owners acquire more land, which in turn leads to displacement of the population. Apart from government participation in their illegal an inconsiderate practice of acquisition of land, the wealthy land owners make use of the self-defense units, the guerillas, drug dealers, and paramilitary forces. While undertaking their activities, these illegal groups commit killings, rape, massacres, extortion and forced displacement (Brenner 121). They more often than not, target members of the community that do not adhere to their orders. Paramilitary organizations and other illegal groups have assisted in allowing the access of multinational companies by chasing farmers and their family members away from their land. In addition, the dispossessed individuals are

Friday, July 26, 2019

FEBIP#2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

FEBIP#2 - Essay Example There is always a set of some specific assumptions and suppositions on which the discipline of instructional design is based. Jonassen, Tessmer and Hannum (1999) found that there exist some specific scientific principles which are there for the foundation of the discipline of instructional design and these principles are verified by the empirical data. I do believe that instructional design is aligned with science in a sense that instructional design is the science of developing such specifications in detail for the purpose of creating, implementing, analyzing, and evaluating such sort of situations whose main task is to facilitate learning of not only large but also small units of subject matters regardless of the level of complexities related to the subject matters. After evaluation, it also helps in the maintenance of the situations. Also we can say that instructional design is a science based technology which is based on the specific assumptions related to the real world. Instructions which are based on scientific principles could be more effective. This science based technology not only involves the identification of the variables but also it identifies the potential relationships that exist between those variables. So, we can say that instructional design has got alignment with the field of science. To describe instructional design as a technology, we can say that it is not only methodical but also systemic application of such techniques and strategies which are derived from the theories including behavioral, cognitive and constructive theories. And the purpose of the derivation is to apply the strategies and techniques to the solutions of various instructional problems. Rogers (2002) found that instruction design as a technology is the combination of instructional design and instructional development. We can also say that as a technology,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Eco-Centric Valuation of Nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Eco-Centric Valuation of Nature - Essay Example The source document of the definition of sustainable development is the Brundtland Report, which is a resource released by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development. Also known as â€Å"Our Common Future†, this report was published in 1987 in order to provide environmental agencies and national governments with information on how to achieve an environmental condition that continuously supports itself (Mebratu, 1998). This report poses a number of potential conflicts, based on the principles that are governs. Firstly, the term sustainable development is largely anthropocentric, which thus focuses on the needs of the population and less on the ecosystem or natural condition. It may be possible that the requirements of the ecosystem may not be fully addressed, including that of the carrying capacity of a habitat in supporting a defined population size. Sustainable development is also focused on maximizing the potential of production of a particular produc t and thus despite the efforts of avoiding any serious perturbations to the ecosystem (Bestor, 2001). It is thus still possible that the optimal conditions for growth and maturation of an ecosystem could be hindered and ultimately not achieved by the principles supported by this concept (Farrell and Hart, 1998). Sustainable living pertains to a lifestyle that campaigns for the activities that would maintain the natural resources and the environment (Norton, 2005). One of the most visible activities associated with sustainable living is the reduction of fossil fuels and other air pollutants to the environment.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How does Arthur Miller Utilise the marriage of Elizabeth and John Essay

How does Arthur Miller Utilise the marriage of Elizabeth and John Proctor to reflect the events that unfold in Salem in his play The Crucible - Essay Example The play opens in the home of Reverend Parris where the night candle still burns in the breaking morning light and is symbolic of the new beginnings for the town and its people. Yet, these beginnings are filled with tension and mistrust. People are gathering and something is amiss. Act I opens at the preachers home and the characters introduced are a cross section of Salem. The characters are infused with the fear and paranoia that runs through the room. John Proctor still has feelings for his mistress, Abigail, while the towns girls are flirting with the sin of dancing. John Proctor is in the room and we learn he is married when he scolds his housekeeper to return home where "my wife is waitin with your work" (22). Proctor also reports that people are streaming into town and comments that "The towns mumbling witchcraft" (22). Another sign of new beginnings is Proctors past affair and attraction for the young girl Abigail, and his newfound commitment to his wife. When Abigail assumes that Proctor has come to see her, she is in disbelief when he replies, "Abby, youll put it out of mind. Ill not be coming for you more" (23). The use of the nickname Abby instead of the more formal Abigail indicates a familiarity that Proctor still carries with him in his heart. The language is stark and utilitarian reflecting an almost biblical tone that signifies the religious roots of the problem. The town of Salem is undergoing a significant change, while Proctors marriage is also evolving. In respect to the action in the town, and the accusations of witchcraft, Proctor wishes to remain uninvolved in the same way he wishes to remain uninvolved with the young Abigail. Just as witchcraft is perceived as a deep-rooted evil for the town, so is Proctors past affair an issue of trouble for his marriage. Yet, he cannot hope to remain aloof from the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Non-European View of world history Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Non-European View of world history - Assignment Example Driven by this self-acclaimed superiority, the emperors of the Imperial China in the 10th century started a tribute system that claimed that foreign visitors as well as merchants of other nations must pay tribute to the emperor since their emperor is the heaven’s representative and chosen by the heaven. A common Chinese view was that their country is at the center of the earth. Therefore they should be in the leading position and they were above the merchant class who were believed, in Confucian ideals, to be the most despised ones. Therefore the merchants of the west were allowed to use Ports of Macau and Canton under strict Chinese supervision and regulation. The west could only receive smidgeons of respect from the Chinese Emperors by showing their knowledge in mathematics and astronomy in front of the Chinese Imperial authority. But the other branches of western knowledge, for the Chinese, were as useless and negligible as those of the barbarians. The western countries wer e, in the eye of a common Chinese, the habitats of some warring barbarians who, at any cost, were be neglected because of their barbarian behaviors. These barbarians were so negligible that they did not deserve to be acknowledged as invaders or something that the Chinese should be afraid of. Yet the mass cultural construct was much friendly to the West. But after the First Opium War of 1839, the Chinese view of the West underwent the most significant transition. The Chinese self-acclaimed superiority began to dwindle in the face of the West’s technology based military superiority. The defeated experiences in the First Opium War was a severe blow that brought the heavenly Chinese superiority down, though not to earth. Due to the Industrial revolution the economic growth and stability as well as military superiority was high in the mid-19th century. But in comparison with the west, the Chinese economy was eroding within itself. In the face of western technology-based economy, C hinese manual labor-depended production system and economy were less competent. So was the Chinese military power. Because of the industrial growth in the West China became more important for the western traders and merchants from whom the country was potential both a market and a raw-material feeder of the western industry. Consequently conflict of interest grew between the self-acclaimed superior China and the challenging west and Opium war took place as a test for the Chinese claim. China was defeated by the overwhelming western warring capability and the ruling Qing was forced to sign the Treaty of Nanjing. The superior Chinese ego had yet diminished at the defeat. Rather the Qing Dynasty was trying diehard to reestablish its superiority. But though the Dynasty took initiative to adapt itself with the new trend of the age by the â€Å"Hundred Days’ Reform† and â€Å"Late Qing Reform† in the late 19th Century and early 20th century, it was too late to recover from the loss of Opium War, Taiping Rebellion, Panthay Rebellion, Dungan revolt, and a number of other adversaries. Cotterell says that the end of the Napoleonic War, the growth of industrial revolutions and the European Colonial presence in the neighboring states of China allured the West

Eating out Vs. Eating In Essay Example for Free

Eating out Vs. Eating In Essay Throughout the years the economy has changed drastically, putting us into a terrible recession. Gas prices have increased, taxes have increased, and many foolish, young girls are having babies that they cannot support, causing them to go on welfare, making hard working citizens such as you, and me pay for their needs. Food is an essential part of daily life. Why waste even more of my hard earned money by eating out, when I can easily save it, and be much healthier by eating in? I am on a tight budget, very family oriented, and conscious about my health, so eating at home, rather than going out is more beneficial because it’s healthier, cheaper, and more comfortable for me to be in my own environment. I don’t know about you, but to me, there is nothing better than a full wallet, a full belly, and being able to kick back, relax, and enjoy the comfort of my home. First off, eating at home is much healthier than eating out. Preparing food at home allows me to control the ingredients that I add to the meal, and I can be sure that the food and dishes are properly cleaned, since I did it myself. Being a huge germ-a-phoebe, I always wash my dishes in hot water, and use lots of soap. I find relief in knowing that only myself, and my family have used our utensils; no one else. Furthermore, I always make sure to thoroughly clean my food before I cook it, to ensure that it is not rotten, and all the bacteria is removed. I do this mostly with meats, lettuce, fruits, and vegetables. I am very conscious about my weight, and my health, so I eat in portions, grill instead of fry, and try to cut out as many carbs, sugars, and fats as I can. However, restaurants do not try to cut out any of those things. In fact, restaurant meals are often fried, and contain high sodium, oil, and fat, which can cause high cholesterol, and weight gain, making them very unhealthy. It also cuts down my options on their menu a great deal. I find it very important to eat healthy so I can keep my energy levels up, maintain a strong mind and body, and prevent myself from possibly developing any health issues in the future. Statistics show that 1 in 4 people a year, suffer from food poising caused by eating out. When I eat at a restaurant I always worry about who is touching my food, if their hands are clean, what they put in my food, or if the food is old, or cleaned properly. I also worry about the eating utensils, and if they are cleaned thoroughly. If they are not, I could be ingesting millions of germs and bacteria from a complete stranger who ate there before me. Restaurants are public places with many people inside; some of which could be ill. If I were to come in contact with them, I could easily catch their germs, and become ill as well. When I eat at home, prepare and clean my own food, and use utensils that I cleaned myself, I never have to worry about any of those health risks caused by eating out. Secondly, eating at home instead of at a restaurant enables me to cut down on my budget, and save more money. Usually, there is always food at my house. My mom always buys macaroni and cheese, soup, lunch meats, cereal, or hot pockets. Whenever I don’t have a taste for any of those things, or if there is none left, my mother and I take a five minute walk to our local Jewel-Osco, where they always have great deals. Just the other day, we bought a four pack of boneless chicken breasts, a pound of pasta, pesto sauce, mushrooms, garlic, lemons, and a 2-liter of soda, for a total of roughly $32 dollars. Restaurants, on the other hand, have to ensure on making enough money to buy more ingredients, pay their employees, pay bills, etc. , so food prices at restaurants are always higher than food I buy at the grocery store, and prepare myself. For example, when my family of four goes out to our favorite Italian restaurant, Giacomos’s, and we order the same exact meal my mother and I purchased at Jewel, it is $16 dollars a plate per person, plus $2 dollars per glass of soda, 25% of the bill as a tip for the waiter, and around $10 dollars in gas to drive there. That totals out to be around $100 dollars, meaning we save roughly $70 dollars just by eating in. A U. S. survey shows that a family can save around $2,000 dollars a year, just by eating at home. Last but not least, I am much more comfortable eating at home, rather than eating out at a restaurant for many reasons. A few years ago, I was with my friend, Sarah at Panera Bread, and a middle aged man came and sat down at a table right next to us, even though there was many empty tables further away. While I was eating, I started to tell Sarah a joke, and when I reached the punch line, we both burst out laughing, and so did the man. After that, he kept staring at me eat, while listening intently to more of our conversation. I felt very annoyed, uncomfortable, and I just wanted to leave. Sometimes restaurants are also very crowded, and noisy, and they have disgusting looking bathrooms that have toilet paper all over the floor, and they smell like rotting pee. Like I mentioned, I am a germ-a-phoebe, and I’m also claustrophobic, so it is very hard to find peace, and comfort in an environment like that. Furthermore, any time I go out to a restaurant, or in public, I always try to look my best just in case I run into a cute guy, or someone I know. This of course takes time. I have to put on makeup, do my hair, and try on a hundred different outfits until I am completely satisfied with how I look. Most of the time I’m satisfied with tight fighting clothing that squeezes my whole body, causing extreme discomfort. Yet when I eat at home, I don’t have to waste time doing any of those things. I can be a bum if I want to, and wear sweatpants. I don’t need to put on makeup, I can throw my hair up in a messy bun, and not have to worry about impressing anyone. Most importantly, I don’t have to stress out about it being too crowded or noisy in my home, since I only live with three other people. I can even sit on my couch, relax, and watch my favorite TV shows while I eat, all snuggled up, comfy, and stress free. More so, I can use my own clean, and fresh smelling bathroom without having to wait in line, or squat above the toilet seat. Can’t beat that. In conclusion, I prefer eating at home rather than eating out because it is healthier, cheaper, and much more comfortable. Not to mention much more sanitary also. I don’t have to worry about food poisoning, nosey strangers, being broke, getting ready, or being uncomfortable. Restaurants cook mainly fatty foods, charge way too much, and are usually crowded and noisy. After a long, hard day at work, I can’t wait to kick my shoes off, change into comfy PJ’s, eat a healthy dinner, and relax in my quiet, stress free house, saving time and money, while finding comfort in the privacy of my home, sweet home.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Western Region of Abu Dhabi Essay Example for Free

The Western Region of Abu Dhabi Essay The Western Region of Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates is suffering from a high illiteracy rate among adult nationals who are aged 40years and above. Due to the lack of reports/academic publications available for improving this condition, a research work is carried out towards investigating the reasons and providing feasible solutions to overcome this pathetic situation in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi. The research also aims at providing reasons why illiterate citizens didn’t participate in the adult education program organized for them and the effectiveness of VIP classes in solving the high illiteracy among older adults. The main purpose of the study was to understand the minimal requirements for adult learning, steps taken by government towards resolving this issue and the alternatives available to overcome this issue. The outcome of research was based on informal educational program in Western Region, where a group of illiterate female adults aged above 40 years participated in a survey/interview. The enormous data collected from the participants during survey helped in analysis towards originating a set of recommended actions and evolution of a proposal for reducing the illiteracy rate in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi with the help of Western Region Development Council and their stakeholders to pilot test the VIP adult learning program in some cities. The participation survey conducted for VIP adult learning program was positive, which conclude that the implementation of VIP adult learning program is an effective solution to overcome high illiteracy rate among adult nationals who are aged 40years and above.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Does Globalisation Increase Vulnerability?

Does Globalisation Increase Vulnerability? Globalisation will make our societies more creative and prosperous, but also more vulnerable. Lord Robertson (British politician) Explain and assess this statement. The Washington consensus, made in 1989 is one of the main starting point of the globalization. It creates the free trade, capital market liberalization, deregulation of the market, tax reform, etc. (Barnett, Held, Henderson, Casper 2013). The globalization is not a recent phenomenon. It started during the 15th century with the various voyages did by some explorer as Christophe Colombes and many others to find new trade routes (Osland, 2003). The globalization allows the world to develop and create an interconnected world. Many researchers have defined the globalization since its appearance around 1960. Thus, the most broad-ranging definition of globalisation is the growing interconnectedness and interrelatedness of all aspects of society (Jones, 2010). Moreover, the researchers Kegley and Raymond had defined the globalization as a set of processes that are widening, deepening, and accelerating the interconnectedness among societies. Thus, the globalization involves different types o f connections, like economical connections, political or cultural, between nations and countries (Andreeska, 2015). Its main drivers are political/ regulatory (free trade, WTO, GATT), and technological (increase the flow of goods, capital, people) (Hamilton, Webster, 2015). Various organizations had been created to regulate the globalization such as the WTO (World Trade Organisation), the UN (United Nations), World Bank and International Monetary Fund (Hill Hernà ¡ndez-Requejo, 2012); and some summits are taking place like the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation summit or the UN summit and many others. The NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson said Globalisation will make our societies more creative and prosperous, but also more vulnerable. The rapid dissemination of technology and information offers entirely new ways of production, but it can also bring the spectre of more states developing weapons of mass destruction. To explain and assess this statement, I will firstly w ill describe the various advantages of the globalization making the different countries creative and prosperous. And in a second part, I will describe the different negatives effects implied by the globalization which made our societies in insecurity and vulnerable. Firstly, many debates have taken place over the globalization and its positive and negative effects. The most important one is the post-Washington consensus debate explaining the fragility of policies concerning liberalize trade and set price right and concerning these recommendations which fail in many countries which do not have proper governances institution (Bigman, 2002). In general, in the debates, the proponents said that the globalization is an opportunity for economic growth and prosperity. Whereas, the opponents said that the globalization is more a threat to the environment, the culture et the prosperity of the countries (Osland, 2003). Many debates over the globalization are still present nowadays. The globalization brings many advantages for the nations and the countries over many aspects of the modern life. One of the main aspect of the globalisation is a worldwide market created thanks to the free trade. It allows to reduce various barriers such as tariffs barriers, but also to promote global economic growth and the ability for countries to create some agreements like South Korea Korus or NAFA (Collins, 2015). A worldwide market increases the access to more goods and services reducing prices (Osland, 2003), to new markets which can increase the profit of some societies, such as China with its rapidly growing market, and to new products such as the petrol in Saudi Arabia (Hamilton, Webster, 2015). With a worldwide market, global companies obtain some production, marketing and research advantages thanks to the access of new goods, services, technologies, etc. (Roman, Manolică, 2012). Thus, a worldwide market without barriers has many advantages such as a more effici ent market, an acceleration of the transactions, an introduction of new markets and a stabilized security for foreign investment (Bran, 2015). Another important aspect of the globalization is the economy growth. The globalization helps developing countries like Asian Tigers (Osland, 2003). Because the globalization allows them to have access to new technologies, education,and to increase their standards of living and their business environment (Roman, Manolică, 2012). The expansion of the global economy gives them a certain economic prosperity that helps them to develop and be competitive with the developed countries (Baek, Shi, 2016). For instance, a recent study for Economic Policy research showed that 30-40% of the world population has benefited from the globalization (Osland, 2003). However, one of the main factor of the economic growth of ancient developing countries is the expansion of capitalism, and sometimes when it is necessary the appearance and imposing of democracy (Bran, 2015). As in the video Globalization is good, Johan Norberg had demonstrated that in Vietnam or in Taiwan the globalization played an important role in the development of the country and in reducing the poverty giving some jobs and education (à lvarez, 2014). The globalization also contributes to increase the competitiveness and the creativity of our societies. With the creation of a worldwide market, competitors came from everywhere and not only from the national market, thus increasing the competition between the companies (Bran, 2015). Moreover, some economists emphasize that with trade liberalization, there are more efficient resources and cheap labour cost. Thus, companies are growing and more competitive (Bigman, 2002). Their growth allows them to get the economy of scales benefits with the costs reductions, allowing to maintain the competitiveness (Roman, Manolică, 2012). Furthermore, since the end of the World War II, societies saw major advances in communication and technology with internet creating a global audience (Hill Hernà ¡ndez-Requejo, 2012). This global audience also created global competitor and the rapid technological change contributed to increase the economic performance of the countries to stay competitive. But the competition between companies also leads to this technological change (Roman, Manolică, 2012). To stay competitive in a global market, societies specialized them and became more aware of the new technologies. Thus, they need to examine clearly the market and introduce advanced concepts (Kostovski, Nanevski Gjurcevski, 2016). However, some transnational corporation as General Motors, Walmart or Siemens well understand this new global market. They control most of the worlds investment capital and technology creating them a prominent position. They perfectly understand the functioning of the global market and take advantage on it, for instance, delocalizing their production to developing countries where the labour cost is low (Steger, 2009). Thus, the globalization has many advantages making our societies creative and prosperous. Secondly, the globalization has many disadvantages making our societies vulnerable. Many protests have taken place throughout the world like in Seattle, Washington, France or Indonesia (Bigman, 2002). The demonstration in 1999 in Seattle was aggressive and loud, bring 40 000 protesters together, to protest against wide range of globalizations issues including job losses (Hill Hernà ¡ndez-Requejo, 2012). The globalization makes our societies vulnerable and unsecured. Transworld connections have facilitated the emergence of criminal organizations and illegals economies, and the criminal violences increase (Bran, 2015). Indeed, the criminal violence kills three-quarter of a million people per year (Scholte, 2005). Globalization has created a context for criminal activities such as internet for fraudsters and paedophiles, and the global finance for money laundering. Moreover, the criminal networks evolved with the globalization, allowing the organized crime and the gang to be the largest beneficiary of the globalization. For example, the Colombia-based Cali cartel generates 3$ billion in benefits per year thanks to its network. Another example, the chain of global interconnections allowing the diffusion of the instant broadcast of Ben Ladens speech to a global audience on September 11th (Steger, 2009). However, the globalization also helps to create new agencies and opportunities to com bat crime such as Interpol (Scholte, 2005). The globalization negatively affects the environment like global warming, pollution, deforestation, biodiversity reduction and oceans degradation (Osland, 2003). The increasing demand of products increases the finite resources use, and the pollution level due to the fossil fuel (Bran, 2015). Then, an abusive environment use has dangerous consequences like the rise of sea levels, the air contamination, the destruction of forests and lakes, and the natural resources reduction (Scholte, 2005). For instance, Asian cloud causes premature death, flooding and drought due to increased industrialization and globalization (Osland, 2003). However, political authorities created policies to reduce ecological threats like tax polluter, the promotion of environmentally friendly technologies, and the regulations use to control the pollution amount generated by business (Hamilton, Webster, 2015). Moreover, some global summits on the environment have taken place like Stockholm (1972), Rio de Janeiro (1992), and Johannesburg (2002) to raise the environment problems awareness. Then, the globalization also complicated the health problems due to the easier illness transfer worldwide like HIV/ AIDS which were spread by travellers (Collins, 2015). But it creates new health problems like tobacco, alcohol, asbestos, junk foods, and drugs. However, the globalization helps to find new medicine with the technology and allows the health professionals movement around the world (Scholte, 2005). With the globalization, the business environment becomes more complex with the laws, regulations, cultures, etc. Companies must face global and local competitors. Inefficient organisations cannot survive to this high number of competitors like Lufthansa and France Telecom (Hamilton, Webster, 2015). Furthermore, companies must adapt their products to different markets in terms of behaviour, tradition, expectation and attitude (Roman, Manolică, 2012). The spread of technologies and knowledge makes the competition fierce and feared (Bhagwati, 2004). Moreover, the decreased labour conditions are consequences of the worldwide market creation. To stay competitive, companies relocated their industries (Bran, 2015). But these countries have usually low labour condition like child labour or under-payed jobs (Bigman, 2002). Moreover, these jobs outsourcing create job losses in developed countries (Osland, 2003). According to Robert Scoot of the Economic Policy Institute, China is th e most favoured nation to relocated job with the relocation in China of 3,3 million jobs, including 2,4 million manufacturing jobs (Collins, 2015). All these problems are disadvantages of the globalization and make our societies vulnerable. Finally, the globalization increases the poverty and the gap between rich and poor. In 1870, the worlds 17 richest nations had an average income per capital 2.4 times that all other country. In 1990, the same group was 4.5 times richer (Hill Hernà ¡ndez-Requejo, 2012). This inequality is present in every country due to the gap between skilled and unskilled workers in wages and unemployment rates. Some countries reduced it like Singapore, South Korea, Ireland and Puerto Rico. But it is still present (Osland, 2003). This gap is caused by the developed countries monopole who direct the raw material price making the developing countries dependant on developed countries (Andreeska, 2015). Moreover, the GATT and the WTO benefits were not correctly distributed. Richer countries increased trades and their growth. Whereas, poor countries were marginalized and their economies shrank (Bigman, 2002), thus increasing the gap between poor and rich. This gap is due to the technological change (Ba ek, Shi, 2016), the poor countries government which is usually totalitarian and not liberal, and their important debt burdens (Hill Hernà ¡ndez-Requejo, 2012). All these various globalizations disadvantages make our societies more vulnerable. To conclude, the globalization brings various positive and negative effects to the world and our societies. The main advantages of the globalization are the creation of a worldwide market and free trades increasing the competitivity and the creativity of the societies, the rapid technological changes, and the fact that globalization help to increase the economic growth of developing and developed countries. All these positives impacts make our societies and the world creative and prosperous. However, the globalization brings different negative impacts on the world. The main disadvantages of the globalization are the insecurity, the global environmental threats, the poverty, and the creation of a worldwide market involving a too high number of competitors and the deterioration of the labour conditions. Thus, all these positive and negative impacts make our societies creative and prosperous but also vulnerable, as Lord Robertson said. Moreover, the globalization has still many effects in the political, economic and social sector. At a social level, one of the main effect of the globalization is the uniformization of the cultures. The globalization reduces and destroys the ancient cultures and traditions. There is little by little an uniformization of cultures at a world level. For instance, in every country, the same big companies are present such as McDonalds, KFC, Zara and many others. Nay protestations have taken place over this problem. Bibliography: Books: Bigman, D. (2002) Globalization and the developing countries: Emerging strategies for rural development and poverty alleviation. [eBook], Cabi., Availabe: [Accessed 15 February 2017] Barnett, Held, A, Henderson, D. Casper (2013), Debating Globalization [eBook]. Oxford: Polity. Available from: ProQuest Ebook Central. Available: [Accessed 16 February 2017] Bhagwati, J. (2004). In defense of globalization: With a new afterword [eBook]. New York: Oxford University Press. Available: [Accessed 16 February 2017] Jones, A. 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Available online: [Accessed 18 February 2017] Website: Collins, M. (2015) The Pros And Cons Of Globalization. Forbes, 6 May [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 19 February 2017] Video: à lvarez, F. (2014) [Documentary] Globalization is Good by Johan Norberg [Video]. Available online: [Accessed 20 February 2017]

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Catching Cold :: Personal Narrative Health Essays

Catching Cold I am afraid to sneeze around my mother. I avoid coughing in front of her, even if just to prevent a wayward piece of spinach from wiggling down the wrong tube. I never blow my nose in her presence or scratch any part of my body for more than a few seconds. No, my mother does not have an unusually weak immune system. Nor is she very elderly or recovering from a chronic illness. In fact, my mom is one of the healthiest people I know. It’s not her own health that she’s paranoid about. It’s mine. On one particularly cold day about fifteen years ago, my mom laid out five shirts on my bed: a camisole, a short sleeve shirt, a turtleneck, a long sleeve shirt, and a sweater. After a few minutes of wrestling the clothes over my four-year-old body, she said, â€Å"There, now you won’t get frostbitten,† and with a satisfied smile patted my marshmallow-like exterior off to kindergarten. Thirty minutes later, as I silently sweated my way through making a Santa Claus out of red construction paper and white cotton balls, my teacher exclaimed, â€Å"It’s cold in here! How many of you feel cold right now?† Small hands shot up around the room and Miss Johnson agreed, â€Å"It certainly is! Now I wish I had worn more layers. When it is very cold outside, you can stay warm by adding extra layers of clothing. Today I am only wearing two layers,† she told us, pulling the edge of her white blouse out from under her red cardigan sweater. â€Å"Is anyone wearing three layers today?† A brief moment of contemplation and counting followed. A few of my classmates raised their hands, beaming as Miss Johnson smiled at them each in turn, saying, â€Å"That is very smart of you. You must be very warm right now!† I was wearing more than three layers. I quietly re-counted my shirts under the table. All of a sudden, Thomas, an annoying bully of a boy who seemed to pay more attention to my affairs than his own, shot up from his seat. â€Å"Deborah’s wearing five layers, Miss Johnson,† he crowed, â€Å"I saw her counting them.† I looked down at the ground, trying to avoid the laughter and teasing of my classmates.

Essays --

You maybe, as many people are curious of where online shopping came from? When did it start? Did someone invent it? And how was it created? In 2011, Michael Aldrich published a claim that he had invented online shopping in the United Kingdom in 1979, using a standard dial up telephone line. He connected a modified domestic television to a real-time transaction processing computer to create the Aldrich system. During 1980s he launched the Redifon's Office Revolution that allowed the consumers, distributors, suppliers and companies to be connected on-do business transactions. From 1980 onwards, the system is only used for business to business system and transaction only but during the widespread availability of the internet and computer systems during the 1990s the business to consumer online shopping started to become financially viable. (Michael Aldrich Archive. 2011) Online or e-shopping is a part of e-commerce and a process that allows the consumers to buy products, information and services through the internet. Since the generation today has high technology, it is one of the factors that encourage the people to do online shopping, rather than doing the traditional way of going to the market and store. (Gans. 2011) Shopping online is fast growing to be part of our everyday lives. Increasingly people are using the convenience of online shopping due to people having computers in the home along with high speed connection. Online shopping and visiting an online shop enables the customer to search, find, order and pay for the products, information and services that they need. To be able to do online shopping, one must visit an online shop, like a website or an account in the social networking sites that sells products. The payment o... ...s that online shopping undergoes is revealed. The diagram shows simplicity and can be easily done, that’s why people tends to be an online shopper now a days. Online shopping offers a lot of benefits for the customers. The researcher used different methods of collecting information that was used in this research paper. The researcher gathered information in the internet and in the library. They visited different reliable and credible websites and looked for recent articles and data that were used for the betterment of this research paper. The researchers did a survey to gather some numerical data about the customers who are engaged into online shopping. They did random sampling and gave out approximately 50 survey papers to different people aged from 14-30. These methods where used in order to make this research paper about online shopping credible and factual.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Appalachian Trail :: essays research papers

When I was in the seventh grade, our class went on a field trip to Cherokee, North Carolina. The trip lasted four days and three nights, but the adventure would last a lifetime. The experience allowed me to learn many things about myself and to reflect on the beauty that was all around me. We departed at six-thirty in the morning, and I was so excited. I had never been away on a school trip for longer than a few hours. I tossed my purple duffel bag into the storage compartment, found my seat by the window, and prepared for what I knew would surely be an unforgettable adventure. When we finally arrived in the mountains, it was breathtaking. They were covered with trees, and the clouds floating over them were so beautiful. I looked down and saw valleys of flowers that went on forever. I was so anxious to get off the bus and roll in the grass with the clear, blue sky above my head. The bus came to a halt, and one by one we filed out into a parking lot. We grabbed our canteens and began the one-mile trail to the top of one of the mountains. I was one of the first people to reach the peak, and waiting for us was a notebook. We opened it to find the names of everyone who has ever reached the peak. I smiled to myself as I wrote in big letters â€Å"Kim Walton† and started back down the mountain. It was much easier and faster than going up, and everyone was really excited to see where we were going next. When we arrived at the Best Western, everyone grabbed his/her suitcases, quickly tucking them into the rooms as the candy shop across the street drew us in like moths to a flame. Afterwards, we went back to our rooms, put on our bathing suits, and went for a late-night swim under the stars. It was so cold, but we did not mind it because we were having so much fun. Later we went back to our rooms and went to sleep. Our next day would surely be packed with action and adventure. The next morning, we went to Alpine Tower: a seventy-five feet high vertical structure that is designed to help you work with others and test your physical strength as well as your bravery, motivation, and problem-solving strategies. Equipped with helmets, harnesses, and ropes, we took our places around the tower and prepared for the first person to go up. The Appalachian Trail :: essays research papers When I was in the seventh grade, our class went on a field trip to Cherokee, North Carolina. The trip lasted four days and three nights, but the adventure would last a lifetime. The experience allowed me to learn many things about myself and to reflect on the beauty that was all around me. We departed at six-thirty in the morning, and I was so excited. I had never been away on a school trip for longer than a few hours. I tossed my purple duffel bag into the storage compartment, found my seat by the window, and prepared for what I knew would surely be an unforgettable adventure. When we finally arrived in the mountains, it was breathtaking. They were covered with trees, and the clouds floating over them were so beautiful. I looked down and saw valleys of flowers that went on forever. I was so anxious to get off the bus and roll in the grass with the clear, blue sky above my head. The bus came to a halt, and one by one we filed out into a parking lot. We grabbed our canteens and began the one-mile trail to the top of one of the mountains. I was one of the first people to reach the peak, and waiting for us was a notebook. We opened it to find the names of everyone who has ever reached the peak. I smiled to myself as I wrote in big letters â€Å"Kim Walton† and started back down the mountain. It was much easier and faster than going up, and everyone was really excited to see where we were going next. When we arrived at the Best Western, everyone grabbed his/her suitcases, quickly tucking them into the rooms as the candy shop across the street drew us in like moths to a flame. Afterwards, we went back to our rooms, put on our bathing suits, and went for a late-night swim under the stars. It was so cold, but we did not mind it because we were having so much fun. Later we went back to our rooms and went to sleep. Our next day would surely be packed with action and adventure. The next morning, we went to Alpine Tower: a seventy-five feet high vertical structure that is designed to help you work with others and test your physical strength as well as your bravery, motivation, and problem-solving strategies. Equipped with helmets, harnesses, and ropes, we took our places around the tower and prepared for the first person to go up.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fences vs. Oedipus Essay

The Importance of Fatherhood Fatherhood is important and is often taken for granted and not treated with the respect it deserves. In the plays Fences and Oedipus the King, Troy and Oedipus are affected by the lack of fatherhood. In Troy’s case, he fails to be a supportive father to his son, Cory, ultimately distancing himself from his family. As for Oedipus, he is cursed by the gods before his birth, due to his father, Laius, raping and kidnapping a young boy (Weineck). Although the situations of each play are different the need for fathers is very similar. This topic may not seem of much importance but fatherhood can truly affect a child or the actual father. Both of these plays seem to be affected by the past which leads to the fathers putting their problems on the shoulders of their child. Fathers play an important role in a child’s life. Not only are they seen as their rock, but also as their protection. This is especially important in a boy’s childhood. This is shown by the relationship of Troy and Cory. Although, Troy is always around in Cory’s youth, he never gives any support for what Cory does. This is proved when Cory has a chance to talk to a college recruiter about football, but Troy claims he has no future in sports and just needs to give it up and go get a job and start making money (Roberts 1046). This incident, along with other questionable actions, lead to the resentment of Troy, not only by Cory, but by the entire family. The other questionable action by Troy was him cheating on his wife with another woman. This event is what totally crushed his relationship with his family, whom now refused to give him any respect. With no respect for Troy, Cory one day makes a comment towards his father, which does not sit well with Troy. This comment soon turns into an argument which, leads to Cory picking up a bat and threatening Troy. Troy then takes the bat from Cory’s hands and knocks him down (Weales). At this point Troy can show his dominance towards Cory but instead tells him to leave (Roberts 1071). This not only shatters the relationship between Troy and Cory but it shows the carelessness of Troy towards his son. Throughout the rest of the play, when Cory is present, the resentment of Troy is shown. Cory even contemplates not attending Troy’s funeral because he was tired of living in the shadow of his father (Roberts 1074). The relationship of a father to his son is essential to not only the son’s maturation process, but also to the father and his livelihood. Troy and Cory make good examples for this, because after Cory left Troy was never the same and in the same light it can be said the Cory learned from his father. He learned how to not be like his father. Before Oedipus the King, we know that King Laius of Thebes commits a crime in which he is punished for raping and kidnapping a child from a different kingdom. For this crime Laius is cursed by the god, Apollo. The curse stated that Laius’s â€Å"first born son would murder his father then marry his mother†. Instead of Laius abstaining from marriage or sex to prevent this curse from occurring, he marries and has a son, Oedipus (Weineck). This stupidity of Laius begins the failure of his fatherhood. Laius has not only compromised his life but he has created a terrible situation for Oedipus when he is grown. This father and son relationship is not direct but the actions and carelessness of Laius ultimately affect Oedipus, which makes his life literally a living hell. Like in Fences Laius is careless about his son, like Troy. Although Oedipus is his father’s murderer, it is unknown if Oedipus intentionally killed Laius. It is actually said that he was defending himself, so it is hard to put any fault on the lack relationship with Laius (Roberts 786). This lack of relationship also can be said to have led to the downfall of Oedipus. This is because when Oedipus find that he has murdered his father and married his mother he exiles himself. It can be said that if Laius had not impregnated Jocasta, or had he killed Oedipus as an infant, this terrible fate would never had happened. Laius could have also raised Oedipus and created a positive relationship between the two which could have prevented this situation. This relationship between Laius and Oedipus was flawed from before the birth of Oedipus resulting in the horrific fate that Oedipus experienced. This flawed relationship can be argued to have had no chance but it can be seen that at the end of the play Oedipus is affected by the knowing of murdering his father. The difference in Oedipus’s relationship with his father compared to normal father/son relationships was that he never really knew he had a relationship with his father, but all along it was his faulty relationship with Laius that cursed Oedipus in the first place. Although these two plays are very different in time periods, the basic buildup of each play is very similar. Father’s and son’s is a way these two plays connected very well. Laius and Troy perform a very careless fatherhood whereas Oedipus and Cory are helpless and cannot defy what their fathers do or have done. Cory, out of respect for his father, cannot do the thing he wanted to do such as, football, and this resulted in the broken relationship between Cory and Troy. This is comparable to Oedipus, in a way, because he was unable to defy the curse of the gods on his father which also leads to a broken relationship with Laius. These plays at first glance have nothing in common but when broken down they truly have a similarity in the importance of a father.